Phpfox Solutions
When it comes to hosting
phpFox you need to make sure you have a good web hosting provider. The software is very heavy on server resources and therefore requires a good server. When you come across phpFox Solutions who specialise in phpFox hosting you expect you are going to get a good web hosting package geared towards hosting the phpfox script. This is however not the case, phpFox solutions does not even have out access to the database that is required to run the software.
This makes updates to
phpFox difficult and risky as you are often reminded to keep your database updated and backed up. From time to time you may need to perform tasks on the database.
I am not sure how they call them the solution to hosting a phpFox site when they do not offer what is needed to manage it.
You ate best of using a web host that allows database access so you can manage the site without the riak of losing everything after an update.
When we used them with phpFox we found Phpfox Solutions to be highly problematic and unable to assist when things when wrong. Save yourself the trouble and go with any other other hosting provider.