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HomeTerminologyPerl Scripting

Perl Scripting

Perl is an efficient programming language that's widely used for creating CGI scripts and also different web-based applications. Among its main advantages is the fact that it supports modules - ready-made batches of code that are designed to execute numerous tasks and to enhance the efficiency of a given script without slowing it with unnecessary lines of code. This means that, if five processess have to be executed, you can employ five lines of program code to call each one of the modules instead of including hundreds of lines used to create the actual modules within your script. Perl is very handy and it can be used for a variety of purposes, that's why a lot of corporations have integrated it in their web products or on their resource-demanding sites - cPanel, IMDB, Craigslist, BugZilla, BBC and many more. It is generally used with other programming languages like PHP or Python.

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